While struggling to produce graduates who are clinically ready, nursing programs are experiencing continued high attrition rates. Retention efforts are frequently focused on strategies to support students in learning time management, study skills, and acclimation to the professional environment. Current strategies to improve retention may be implemented too late in the program or only after the student is failing (Tinnon, 2018). An essential tool for retention that may be overlooked is the test review. When implemented early in the program, a debriefing of the test experience has the opportunity to identify testing errors and misconceptions. Debriefing moves the student to knowing what, knowing how, and knowing why (NLN, 2015). Debriefing provides an opportunity for reflection, which promotes critical thinking and clinical judgment. Faculty engage learners in learner-centered active reflection. When debriefing a test, the faculty gain valuable information regarding content and teaching methods. Faculty training in test debriefing is necessary to promote an engaging reflective student experience.
Learning Objectives:
Define what it means to debrief a test.
Discuss the key elements of how to debrief a test.
Analyze faculty insights from debriefing the test.