Owner, All Creatures Veterinary Service Leverenz Veterinary Santa Fe, NM, United States
This session will review the common infectious skin diseases encountered in North America including bacterial dermatoses, dermatophyte (ringworm) infections, and Malassezia dermatitis. The seminar will highlight diagnostic tips to improve your chances of achieving a definitive diagnosis. As well, the lecture will provide an update on therapeutic options from systemic treatments to topical therapies including shampoos, ointments, and fluorescent light therapy to treat even the Multi-Drug Resistant organisms.
Learning Objectives:
Identify similarities and difference between bacterial and dermatophytic (ringworm) lesions in horses
Select appropriate diagnostic and treatment options for bacterial and fungal dermatoses
Recognize, diagnose and treat Malassezia dermatitis in horses
When to incorporate photobiomodulation via fluorescent light energy into your treatment protocol