Technology and Marketing Consultant Nancy Dewitz LLC Osseo, WI, United States
Review what can be expected from the lens of a clinician and technician who makes a mistake, experiences an adverse event, or has witnessed the event as a care team. What should we do, how can we intervene, and why a peer support is imperative for all.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completeion the participant will be able to define psychological safety and why its vital to hospital cultures.
Upon completion the participant will be able to recogonize why early intervention after and adverese event or patient safety event is vital to the health and well being of a fellow co-worker. We will discuss what the process looks like if no intervention occurs and what mental health discorders can develop over time.
Upon completion the participant will be able to define RISE, and access resources to add the program to their hospitals.
Upon completion the participant will be able to recognize how rude behavior reduces cognitive ability, and the impact it can have across a team if they witness rude behavior.