Owner, All Creatures Veterinary Service Leverenz Veterinary Santa Fe, NM, United States
A review of non-infectious equine nodular dermatoses including their clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. From non-neoplastic conditions such as eosinophilic granulomas and equine sarcoidosis to neoplastic conditions including melanomas, squamous cell carcinoma, and equine sarcoids, this seminar will provide an updated perspective from a dermatologist's point of view. By the end of this lecture, you will be able to recognize the various presentations, be armed with the best method to take biopsies and what to do with them and be aware of some of the latest treatment options available.
Learning Objectives:
Use knowledge of lesions to select appropriate biopsy technique and laboratory request
Identify the variability between infectious and non-infectious nodular lesions
Select appropriate treatment for infectious and non-infectious nodular lesions