Flottmann Enterprises Inc Conroe, TX, United States
The keeping of chickens as pets in backyard settings has dramatically increased in popularity, both in urban and suburban settings. it is a hobby that is educational for children, chickens provide the side benefit of chemical-free bug and weed control, their droppings provide excellent fertilizer, and the birds are fun, entertaining and very personable pets. When these birds are kept as companions, the nature of the human-animal bond can be quite strong, and they are increasingly being presented for veterinary evaluation, diagnosis and appropriate therapy. Awareness of how these birds are housed, fed and raised safely, in conjunction with an understanding of key aspects of their anatomy and physiology is important for veterinarians to be able to counsel owners proactively and preventatively for many husbandry-associated problems
Learning Objectives:
Recognise common chicken breeds their characteristics
Understand relevant clinical anatomy and physiology of chickens
Understand the the key principles of sound backyard chicken husbandry, and its relationship to preventative health