Owner and Chief of Staff The Animal Center Alliance, NE, United States
Provides the reasons why bulls must be prolific breeders and the continued importance of evaluating a bull’s breeding potential prior to the breeding season. Presents the components of a bull breeding soundness evaluation highlighting the importance of each to the overall breeding ability of a bull. Emphasis will be placed on the value of scrotal circumference measurement and an assessment of the scrotum and its contents as an indicator of breeding potential and herd fertility. To provide an overview of the Society for Theriogenology’s (SFT) BBSE classification system. An overriding message will be that providing a veterinarian’s learned perspective to a professionally conducted BBSE is integral to the continued acceptance of this procedure as a valuable herd management tool.
Learning Objectives:
To review the importance of the bull breeding soundness evaluation (BBSE) for ensuring a high level of herd fertility.
To emphasize the importance of each aspect of the BBSE and to stress the need for performing a high-quality examination.
To provide attendees with additional knowledge that they can share with clients when promoting the utility of a BBSE.
To improve understanding of the SFT breeding soundness classification system.