Principal Transportation Planner
SLR Consulting
New Haven, Connecticut
Holly Parker is a Principal Transportation Planner and the Active Transportation Lead for SLR Consulting in their New Haven, CT office. She is currently finishing a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for a town in VT and developing one for a community in CT, as well as assisting a City in CT with e-scooter policy and writing an RFP for e-scooter services. Prior to working for SLR, she initiated and directed sustainable transportation programs at Harvard and Yale Universities, worked for a bikeshare technology company, consulted to micromobility companies, contributed to a statewide mobility innovation plan for Rhode Island and developed Regional Plans for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in Southeastern CT and Western CT. A lifelong transit rider, cyclist and pedestrian, Holly understands the user experience and knows that people make transportation choices based on what is most intuitive, efficient, and cost effective. Her efforts have resulted in significant reductions in drive-alone commuting through policy development and incentive programs that reward transit use, biking, walking, ridesharing, and teleworking.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
3:30 PM – 4:15 PM CDT