Program Manager for Green Infrastructure
NYC Department of Environmental Protection
Bronx, New York
Adam Benditsky holds a Masters Of Urban Planning from the City University of New York at Hunter College with a specialization in the social history of cities and sustainable urban development. Adam currently serves as the Program Manager for Green Infrastructure at the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the New York City Housing Authority where he is responsible for developing multi-functional, community centered, stormwater resiliency projects.
Adam has more than 20 years of bi-costal experience in electoral politics, public health, public education, transportation, affordable housing and climate resiliency. He has a proven expertise in stakeholder engagement, community relations, and project coordination with a passion for planning theory and the history of cities. Adam has a special interest in the re-imaginning of large scale urban infrastructure that is sustainable, inspired multi-functional and creativley designed.
Monday, April 3, 2023
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM CDT