Business Development Lead Houseal Lavigne State College, Pennsylvania
Planning practitioners discuss how GeoDesign and emerging GIS tools have changed their practices. Community and urban planners explain how GeoDesign principles influence and shape new approaches in traditional planning. Learn how GeoDesign has influenced engagement, placemaking, and decision-making processes. Panelists share not only successes but also struggles experienced when implementing these nontraditional tools and approaches in municipal planning projects. They provide examples of the latest GIS technologies and how they are being used to support data-driven decision making, gain consensus, and help create equitable and sustainable designs that meet community needs.
NPC Peer Reviewers assigned this presentation a learning level of Intermediate. For more on learning-level descriptions, visit our General Information Page.
Learning Objectives:
Apply the concepts and practice of GeoDesign and supporting technologies to current and advanced planning projects.
Assess how GeoDesign and GIS-based support tools can engage communities and build consensus.
Leverage emerging, online, web-based tools to support an informed decision-making process.