Clinical Case Studies
This is a lively, interactive case-based session where interesting neuromuscular cases will be presented and discussed by the group. The format is a brief case presentation, with discussion by the group, followed by a "wrap up" with emphasis on key learning points by the presenter. The cases are a mix of common and more challenging neuromuscular cases. No one will be put "on the spot" but all are welcome to contribute to the discussion! Electrodiagnostic results and pathology are often included in the case presentations. All are welcome - you do not have to be an "expert" in nerve and muscle disease to attend!
We will have 5-6 case presentations by neuromuscular specialists and Fellows. The case presentation will be 10 minutes, followed by a 10 minute discussion and case wrap-up.
Speaker: Kristine M. Chapman
Speaker: Kristine M. Chapman