Society Mini-Platforms
Authors with abstracts selected for a platform presentation, are given the opportunity to showcase their work to CNSF Congress delegates during a Society Mini-Platforms session. Authors are given the opportunity to present their concepts, methods and research findings and attendees have the opportunity to ask questions.
Find Platform and Poster presentations details here in the online > Abstract Locator Program
Moderator: Brett Graham
B.1 Imaging metabolic changes in white matter following ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke onset in an animal model
B.2 Short-term outcome in simultaneous acute code stroke activations in the emergency department
B.3 Sex differences in thrombolysis and thrombectomy workflow: the INTERRSeCT study
B.4 Quantitative electroencephalography to predict post-stroke disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis
All abstracts presented at the CNSF Congress, are published within the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences (CJNS), 2023 CNSF Congress Abstract Supplement.