Oncology: Adrenal/Kidney
Neal Rowe, MD
University of Ottawa
Ravi Kumar, MD
University of Toronto
Thomas McGregor, MD
Dalhousie University
Craig Rogers, MD, FACS
Vattikuti Urology Institute
Course Description: Modern abdominal imaging has led to increased detection of incidental adrenal masses. Urologists are challenged with distinguishing benign from malignant tumors, as well as characterizing functional and nonfunctional adrenal lesions. This interactive course will provide an in-depth summary of the diagnostic evaluation of adrenal lesions. We will examine specific cases of functional adrenal masses and outline the special considerations for each. A case-based discussion will highlight the surgical techniques used during adrenalectomy with an update on the role of partial adrenalectomy. The goal of this course is to familiarize the urologist with a practical approach to the evaluation of adrenal masses while providing a case-based discussion of laparoscopic and robotic surgical techniques.