Industry Events
Vinayak N. Bapat, FRCS.CTh
Chief of Cardiovascular surgery
Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis Heart Institute
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
I do not have any relevant financial / non-financial relationships with any proprietary interests..
Evelio Rodriguez, MD
Chief of Cardiac Surgery and Co-director of the Cardiovascular Service Line
Saint Thomas Heart Cardiovascular Surgery
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Disclosure(s): Abbot: Consultant (Ongoing), Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); AtriCure: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing); Boston Scientific: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing); Edwards Life Science: Consultant (Ongoing), Ownership Interest (stocks, stock options, patent or other intellectual property or other ownership interest excluding diversified mutual funds) (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing)
Wilson Szeto, MD
Professor of Surgery
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Disclosure(s): , Medtronic: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker (Ongoing); Aqudeon: Consultant (Ongoing); Artivion: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Edwards Life Science: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker/Honoraria (includes speakers bureau, symposia, and expert witness) (Ongoing); Microinterventional Device: Consultant (Ongoing); Terumo Aortic: Advisory Board (Ongoing), Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing), Speaker (Ongoing)
Ibrahim Sultan, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Disclosure(s): AtriCure, Artivion, Abbott, Medtronic, Edwards, Boston Scientific: Research Grant (includes principal investigator, collaborator or consultant and pending grants as well as grants already received) (Ongoing)