Computer Scientist / Assistant Professor
Department of Veterans Affairs / Stanford University School of Medicine
Dr. Tamang is a computer scientist at the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. She is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford University School of Medicine. As a computer scientist with training in biology, health services research and biomedical informatics, Dr. Tamang works with interdisciplinary teams of experts on population health problems of public interest. Integral to her work, is the analysis of large and complex population-based datasets, using techniques from natural language processing, machine learning and deep learning. She brings extensive experience with US and Danish population-based registries, Electronic Medical Records from various vendors, administrative claims and other types of observational health and demographic data sources in the US and internationally; also, constructing, populating and applying knowledge-bases for automated reasoning. Dr. Tamang has developed open-source tools for the extraction of health information from unstructured free-text patient notes and licensed machine learning prediction models to Silicon Valley health analytics startups. She is also the faculty mentor for the Stanford community working group Stats for Social Good.