Pharmacy Resident
Inspira Medical Center Vineland
Deptford, NJ
Guanhui Chen received his pharmacy degree from Thomas Jefferson University College of Pharmacy. Upon graduation, he received the Professionalism in Pharmacy Award for the class of 2022. He is currently a PGY-1 pharmacy resident at Inspira Vineland NJ Medical Center. He was one of the first two inaugural pharmacy interns for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, National Marijuana Initiative (ONDCP HIDTA NMI) Pharmacy Internship Program. During his time with ONDCP HIDTA NMI he presented: “Marijuana Use And Cardiovascular Diseases” at the HIDTA Headquarters for the National Speakers Bureau Meeting in Miami FL, two poster presentations at the American Society Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) Summer 2022 Meeting in Phoenix AZ, and presentations for the New Jersey State Police (NJSP) Regional Operations Intelligence Center (ROIC) Drug Monitoring Initiative & Analysis (DMIA) Health Prevention Sharing Network Monthly Update, atTAck addiction and People Empowering People Board Meetings in Delaware.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
8:00 AM – 9:15 AM