Chief of Communications and Prevention Services
High Point Treatment Center
Stonehill College
Brockton, MA
Hillary Dubois Farquharson is the Chief of Communication and Prevention Services for High Point Treatment Center. Hillary, received her Bachelor’s degree from Stonehill College and a Master's of Science degree Northeastern University. She began her Prevention in 2010 with a single grant funded project secured to reduce opioid overdoses. Since February 2010, Hillary has been responsible for the expansion of High Point's mission to prevent substance use. As the scope of work has expanded, so has her responsibility, becoming Chief of Prevention in 2020. This position has Ms. Dubois Farquharson working with various key stakeholders to educate the community including active opioid consumers, individuals in recovery, their loved ones, service providers and the community at large on the risks factors of an overdose as well the signs and symptoms, and ultimately how to save lives. Since 2022, Ms. Dubois Farquharson has served as an adjunct professor at her Alma Mater, Stonehill College.
Monday, April 10, 2023
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM