Commonwealth's Attorney Kentucky 27th Judicial Circuit London, KY
The National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI) is tasked with providing clear and concise insights to the High Intensity Drug Trafficking (HIDTA) program, Office of National Drug Control Policy, and other critical stakeholders through the systematic analysis of current and emerging drug threat trends. This session will share NETI's latest insights, which attendees can apply to their work. Topics will include: - What are the emerging drug threats in the United States in 2023? - How big a problem is fentanyl and to what extent is it combined with other drugs? - How do the threats show up in overdose deaths and in drug seizures by law enforcement? - What impact did COVID-19 have on law enforcement seizures and on overdose deaths?
Learning Objectives:
Identify which apex drugs are increasing in overdose deaths and which one is decreasing
Describe how fentanyl is increasingly involved in overdose deaths, including those involving other drugs
Describe how strong the correlation is between drug overdose deaths and drug seizures by law enforcement
Discuss the sudden increase in drug overdose deaths at the beginning of the COVID 19 Pandemic when there was a short-term reduction in drug seizures by law enforcement