Lauren D. Gonser, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner, Pain Management
Kansas City VA Medical Center
Kansas City, KS
Claire Brandt, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Practitioner, Pain Management
VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System
Nashville, TN
Although in the past decade traditional opioid prescribing has declined, buprenorphine prescribing has increased due to its appeal as a safer alternative in the treatment of chronic pain. As buprenorphine use continues to expand and chronic pain guidelines recommend its use as a first-line opioid, it is essential to understand how to prescribe this medication for optimal safety and efficacy outcomes in a variety of populations. There are both benefits and concerns regarding the use of buprenorphine in special populations such as patients with organ impairment, the elderly, and with pregnancy. The purpose of this session is to discuss the unique properties of buprenorphine, present the available evidence for its use in special populations, and discuss special considerations required for monitoring of buprenorphine use in the chronic pain setting.