Vice President Of Clinical Services Lighthouse Youth & Family Services Cincinnati, Ohio
Learn about Ohio Gov. DeWine’s first specialized program to address multi-system youth with complex needs who are served by Medicaid. OhioRISE supports and empowers youth and their families, collaborating with multiple systems. Our goal was to increase in home, community services to reduce out of home placements. The principle of voice and choice is to give power back to those who receive services which results in positive outcomes for agencies and those we serve. The target audience is agencies that work with youth birth to age 20.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize the importance of incorporating family and youth voice and choice in improving system outcomes.
Discover a better understanding of the implementation of the OhioRISE program, highlighting strategies that incorporate input and insight from members and multi-system partners.
Analyze the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment as an outcome measurement.
The learner will gain insight into planning policies around multi-system youth that have complex needs with a goal of increasing in-home and community resources that reduce the number of out-of-home placements.