Description: Pharmacokinetic (PK) measurement of oligonucleotide-based therapeutics using hybridization-based immunoassays is of growing interest. Here we describe the measurement of casimersen using two assay formats, a dual hybridization assay (DHA) and nuclease-dependent cutting assay (NCA), on an automated microfluidic CD-based platform. Both assays were successfully demonstrated with a run time each of approximately 2.5 hours with low cross-reactivity to oligo metabolites (n-1, n-2, n-3), representing a significant savings of hands-on time and a promising assay approach.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the automated microfluidic approach to immunoassays used in the oligo therapeutic assays.
Describe how two assay strategies to measure oligo therapeuticsDHA and NCA, are accomplished on the automated microfluidic platform.
Evaluate the microfluidic assay performance using the DHA and NCA to measure oligo therapeutics in PK applications.
Describe the metabolite inreference using both DHA and NCA assay formats