The Literacy Equity Insights Dashboard: Refining Our Understanding of Libraries' Roles in Literacy Access
Saturday, January 28, 2023
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Morial Convention Center, Ideas Xchange Area 2 (LLX Marketplace, Hall J)
Ken Bigger, Senior Fellow at the Center for the Future of Libraries, and Nick Freeman from Innovare Social Innovation Partners will introduce the Literacy Equity Insights methodology for assessing levels of literacy access across communities, and invite input on refining the LEI's "Access Score" methodology to reflect more accurately the influence libraries have in providing access.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will understand the LEI methodology and the importance of focusing on structural barriers to opportunity.
Participants will think critically about the roles proximity, accessibility, and patronage have for affording access
Participants will be introduced to a powerful new tool for planning investment in library access and growth.