Using Mixed Methods to Build Student Success Partnerships: University Case Studies
Monday, January 30, 2023
10:20 AM – 10:40 AM
Location: Morial Convention Center, ShopTalk Area C (LLX Marketplace, Hall J)
Are you responsible for undergraduate engagement or student success in your library? Has your library considered engaging in or strengthening partnerships with non-academic units (e.g., admissions, academic support services, etc.) to better support students? Partnerships such as these can break down silos between units, enable better collaboration, and ultimately benefit students and their experience in college. Strong relationships with units that work with diverse populations of students can encourage the use of the library by these populations when they might not seek out library resources otherwise. However, with smaller staffs and more work, these partnerships can cause a strain on the library. Often this means that even if these types of partnerships are considered, they must be prioritized in a way that is not always equitable or inclusive. That is where simplification and a communication plan can make work easier while also increasing the success of these partnerships. In this session, the audience will learn about two specific situations at the University of Toledo in which simple, easily to collect data (such as patron statements, user counts, and categories of questions) was able to strengthen partnerships between the University Libraries and non-academic units to benefit students. Other examples of plans for library partnerships will also be discussed to help attendees generate their own ideas.
Learning Objectives:
describe the benefits of having library partnerships with non-academic units, such as academic support services and admissions.
articulate an argument for partnering with non-academic units at their institutions.
use the examples in the presentation to devise a plan for beginning or strengthen partnerships between their libraries and non-academic units at their home institutions.