Abstract: Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District (the District) conducts aerial adulticide applications in response to arbovirus detections and to extraordinary adult collections. Applications began in 2012 when comparing results of truck and helicopter applications in the eastern valley, where virus had been detected annually. Results at that time indicated a more complete coverage of the targeted area, leading to improved reductions in mosquito populations and improved outcomes for residents living in the area. Aerial ULV applications have still been used typically in the eastern valley because the western valley has numerous golf courses with water features that include fish. In 2022, we made several applications of adulticide using ULV applications. Through this work, we had differences in our results from our expectations. This led to opportunities to compare applicators targeting the same area with similar techniques and different pesticides. We had some errors in our set-ups that we have learned to correct, as well as plans to improve our future applications.