County Commissioner
Anastasia Mosquito Control DIstrict
St. Augustine, Florida, United States
Commissioner Trish Becker was elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2022. In her four years, she has helped the Anastasia Mosquito Control District (AMCD) continue leading the path in research, treatment, and innovation in Mosquito Control. Commissioner Becker has a fond love of learning and sharing what she learns with others, especially students. She is the Vice Chairperson of the AMCD Board, AMCD Educational Committee Chair, and Secretary of the Florida Mosquito Control Association Commissioners Caucus.
As the Educational Chair, she worked tirelessly with AMCD staff to build the Vector and Disease Educational Center. Commissioner Becker focuses on the impacts mosquito control makes on the environment, and how to lessen it by using new natural methods of treatment. She often is found talking about the effects of plastic pollution, climate change, pesticide resistance, and travel are making our jobs more difficult.
Commissioner Becker's goal is to inspire others to have careers in politics, science, public health, and technology. She has long been a voice for the everyday person, ensuring that everyone is free from mosquito-borne diseases, not just the wealthy. Poverty and mosquito control go hand in hand across the globe, and if we can help others be free from mosquito illnesses, we can give them the power to make their communities better. Commissioner Becker thanks everyone that works in this field because you are the unsung heroes that work quietly in the night, protecting everyone.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2023
2:45pm – 3:00pm