Abstract: The history of outdoor advertising dates back to the 1850s and street railways. It’s evolved from bill posters to street furniture, transit wraps, pole banners, digital billboards, and place-making experiences. But why does it work? Regardless of how someone consumes their media, outdoor advertising grasps attention and immerses consumers in visual and memorable experiences. 70 percent of a person’s day is spent outside of the home and in Placer County 140 thousand residents are commuters. This year, we geotargeted neighborhoods where West Nile virus risk was high the previous season, to encourage repellent use while shopping at supermarkets with parking lot pole banners. Our summer campaign ran for three months, June through August with two different messages aimed at increasing impressions and motivating residents to take action. Outdoor advertising was a great use of our limited advertising budget to reach a wide variety of Placer County residents on the road.