Abstract: Efficacious and environmentally sound insecticide applications are a necessity to all mosquito control agencies. Early mosquito control research has come a long way from using equipment not suited for versatile mosquitoes and different habitat types. At Manatee County Mosquito Control District (MCMCD) research is year-round with various projects involving the control of a range of mosquitoes such as Aedes aegypti, Ae. taeniorhynchus, and Culex nigripalpus. Nearly 25 years after MCMCD's first research projects analyzing high pressure systems and spray cloud movement, the evolution of insecticide resistance and new technologies has signified the importance of not only precise field applications but resistance monitoring. While most procedures and equipment have stayed constant throughout the years, some have been altered due to chemical incompatibility of newer formulations, supply-chain shortages, or simply because they were made obsolete. This is an overview of our current research program and major projects over the last five years with an emphasis on efficient procedures, preparation of staff and budgets for various study setups, and technical adjustments made along the way.