The culture in corrections has remained the same for decades, Care, Custody, and Control. As the world around us changes so does the focus in the field of Corrections. Today, corrections are geared towards assisting inmates with reentering society as a better version of themselves. However, many staff in the field of corrections continue to maintain the old-school mentality. This presentation will discuss how leaders can transition their staff from the old school thought process that corrections is merely a housing facility to corrections as an opportunity for change. This presentation provides a step-by-step implementation for successful inmate programming for recovery, soft skills, job skills, and trauma-based care. Changing a culture starts with leadership providing a clear picture of the “Why.” Leaders will know how to start their organization's journey to change.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, leaders will be able to identify the "old school mentality" and how it has negatively affected the field of corrections.
Upon completion, leaders will be able to identify the "why" as it relates to moving their organization from the old school mentality to the new school mentality.
Upon completion, leaders will possess the tools to successfully change agents in their organization.
Upon completion, leaders will be able to create inmate programming that focuses on recovery, soft skills, job skills, and trauma-based care.
Upon completion, leaders will learn techniques to teach their staff to continue the upward momentum for successful long-term change.