Retired Colonel Wayfinder Consulting, LLC Rose Hill, Kansas
Gen Zers are starting their careers and Millennials are taking on leadership positions within our organizations. In a refreshing way, we will explore the numerous positive characteristics they bring to our organizations and how to utilize their unique skillsets. We will study how different generations were raised and how it has molded them into the employees they are today. Building on that information, we will examine researched based studies to explore how to recruit, retain, motivate, and grow them into the leaders that we need right now and in the future.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to differentiate the differences between the four main generations in the workforce.
Participants will be able to describe what motivates the different generations.
Participants will be able to list effective ways to recruit and retain the younger generations.
Participants will be able to list ways to effecitively interact with the different generations.
Participants will be able to better supervise younger generations.