Program Services Manager II
San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
Redwood City, California
Dr. Wagner is the Program Services Manager for the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, Corrections Division, Program Services Bureau. In her role, Melissa was responsible for implementing the Sheriff's strategic implementation plan for new jail programming and case management for its state-of-the-art programming jail that opened in 2016. Access to Services and Programs to Inspire Reentry and Empowerment (ASPIRE) is the Sheriff's Office model for the delivery of high-quality programs and case management services for the incarcerated population. Under Dr. Wagner’s management and oversight, the ASPIRE model offers over 30 in-custody programs. A team of nine staff work collaboratively to ensure that incarcerated persons receive programs, case management services, and reentry planning prior to release.
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Sunday, May 21, 2023
1:15 PM – 2:45 PM