Session: What’s Happening in Your Jail: Latest Trends in Jail Populations and Special Topics on COVID-19, Maternal health, and Opioid Use Disorder Screening and Treatment in Local Jails
What’s Happening in Your Jail: Latest Trends in Jail Populations and Special Topics on Maternal Health, and Opioid Use Disorder Screening and Treatment in Local Jails
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) will lead a discussion on BJS’s jail-related data collections, highlighting new research goals and planned enhancements of data collections to fill information gaps. This workshop provides national-level jail findings on trends and recent changes in the jail population and explores special topics including the impact of COVID-19 on jails, and opioid use disorder screening and treatment in local jails. BJS will also explore emerging issues related to maternal health; specifically, a current initiative to measure health and health outcomes among pregnant women incarcerated in local and tribal jails. BJS will close out the workshop with an open discussion with audience members on survey enhancement opportunities to address critical data needed to understand the jail population.
Learning Objectives:
Describe BJS’s major jail data collections and how they may affect jails.
Analyze trends and recent changes in the jail population.
Highlight recent BJS surveys measuring the impact of COVID-19 on jails, and opioid use disorder screening and treatment in jails
Identify emerging issues such as maternal health in jails to fill information gaps that may affect current practices and policies of jails.
Solicit input and ideas for future years of data collection to address critical data needs that may affect current jail practices and policies nationwide.