Founder and CEO The Good Teammate Factory WINDERMERE, Florida
Does selfishness, pettiness, or apathy keep your staff from working together as a team? Everybody wants teamwork on their team, but teamwork doesn't happen without the presence of good teammates—individuals who put the needs of the team ahead of any self-serving agendas. In this session, you will explore the art of being a good teammate. You will discover how to implement effective strategies for developing invested teammates, improving teamwork, retaining staff, and facilitating a positive work culture. By applying a fresh approach to relationship building known as "The WE Gear," you will position your staff to better serve the needs of your facility.
Learning Objectives:
Recognize the five keys to being a good teammate.
Employ strategies for confronting toxic teammates.
Apply terminology that encourages teamwork and a "team-first" mindset.
Describe tactics for overcoming social-emotional barriers to relationships.