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ADCES23 Annual Conference

Why Attend the ADCES23?

As a diabetes care and education specialist, you are the essential link between diagnosis and desired outcome. You are the vital piece in the path to prevention. You are the hub that connects all the elements necessary to deliver person-centered care. When we all come together, we are an unstoppable force.

Join the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston on Friday, August 4 – Monday, August 7, 2023 for four days of continuing education, notable keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, lively exhibitors and unparalleled networking opportunities. By registering for the in-person conference, you will also receive complimentary access to the ADCES23 On-Demand conference taking place from Monday, August 21-Monday, November 6, 2023.

Why Attend ADCES23:

  • Earn up to 21.75 CE/CME hours through six education tracks and over 120 education sessions.
  • Earn up to 49.75 CE/CME through attending in-person and on-demand.
  • Participate in skill-enhancing, hands-on workshops throughout the conference.
  • Network with peers from across the nation
  • Engage with industry experts while exploring over 100 exhibits.
  • Access the ADCES23 on-demand package at no extra charge.
  • Take part in industry-supported and sponsored events with food service, including CE symposia and non-CE education theaters.
  • Celebrate 50 years of advancing diabetes care and education with ADCES!
  • Full conference paid registrants recieve a complimentary ticket to the Celebration Event.

Why Our Attendees Love Coming to Annual Conference:

  • 87% of ADCES22 attendees said that the sessions matched their level of experience
  • 97% of ADCES22 attendees said they would recommend this conference to their peers
  • 72% of ADCES22 attendees received reimbursement from their employer
  • 86% of ADCES22 attendees said that the conference improved their ability to better function as a member of their health care team

Would you rather attend online? View the ADCES23 On-Demand package option.