Clinical Assistant Professor
New York University College of Dentistry
Dr. Marie Mora is a full-time Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Endodontics at NYU College of Dentistry. Dr. Mora was born in Venezuela and graduated with a DDS degree from University of Zulia in 2007. After practicing general dentistry for one year, she continued her studies at Central University of Venezuela, where she received a Certificate in Endodontics in 2012. After practicing Endodontics for 5 years in her country, Dr. Mora completed 2 years of residency program in Endodontics at New York University in 2019. Dr. Mora is an endodontist specialized in root canal treatment and micro-surgical root canal treatment. Specifically, she performs conventional root canal treatment and retreatments including cases needing post-removal and perforation repairs. Also, surgical endodontic therapies (apicoectomy) and management of traumatic dental injuries. She also enjoys doing treatments on children in teeth with open apices as apexifications, apexogenesis, and regenerative endodontics/revascularization.