Prof Dr
University of the Region of Joinville – Univille, Brazil
Graduated in Dentistry (1996) and Specialization in Endodontics (1997) by PUC/PR, Master in Endodontics (2002) by UNAERP / SP, PhD in Endodontics (2005) by FOP / PE and post-doctorate in Endodontics by FORP / USP (2018). He is a professor at the University of Joinville Region (UNIVILLE), working in the discipline of Endodontics and as a permanent teacher in the Postgraduate Programs in Health and Environment and Process Engineering. Professor of Endodontics at the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP) and Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Endodontics at the Instituto Odontológico das Américas (IOA). He was professor of Universidade Positivo (2004 to 2020) acting as Coordinator of the Course and Post Graduation Program in Dentistry and Director of the Health Area and Stricto Sensu. Editor-in-chief of the RSBO journal. CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship Holder (PQ) 2.