PhD Student
University of São Paulo, Brazil
He has a degree in Dentistry from the University of São Paulo, Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto (FORP - USP), with a scientific initiation internship in the Department of Children's Clinic of FORP - USP, in the areas of Endodontics and Pediatric Dentistry ( FAPESP Scholarship). He carried out academic-scientific exchange activities, during the Graduation, at Okayama Dental University (Japan-2014). He holds a Master's Degree in Endodontics from the Graduate Program in Restorative Dentistry at FORP - USP ( CNPq Scholarship), and also studied Specialization in Endodontics from FUNORP-USP. He is currently a PhD student in Endodontics by the Graduate Program in Restorative Dentistry of FORP - USP.