Associate Professor
University of Florida
Dr. Abranches obtained her M.Sc and Ph.D. in Microbiology and Immunology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. She did her post-doctoral training at University of Rochester and University of Florida. In 2007, she became a Research Associate Professor and, along with Dr. Jose Lemos, established the Lemos-Abranches Research Group whose research interests involve microbe-microbe and host-pathogen interactions, and microbial physiology and pathogenesis. In 2014, she became a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Rochester. In 2015, the Lemos-Abranches research group relocated to the University of Florida. Dr. Abranches main research interests involve host-pathogen and microbe-microbe interactions, clinical translational-studies, molecular microbiology and microbial physiology.