Endodontic Resident Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine Long Island City, New York, United States
Objective: To evaluate temperature changes during laser assisted endodontic therapy using diode lasers at various wavelengths (970 nm continuous and pulse modes; 445 nm continuous and pulse modes) through an in vitro study. Abstract: The research was designed to study the impact of thermometry in endodontics using diode lasers. An in vitro model was developed to evaluate temperature changes in the tissues around the apex during laser assisted endodontic therapy. Different dental diode laser systems were evaluated using thermometric methods. Two different thermocouples (TC) were placed apically and two in the coronal areas of the bone. Thermometric analysis occurred using LabChart software in real time during laser radiation with a variety of diode lasers in pulsed and continuous mode. Statistical analysis (ANOVA comparison) provided between the different wavelengths of continuous and pulse mode at 0, 30, and 60 seconds for all four TC locations. Based on the experimental setting and data, 970 nm diode laser (continuous and pulse modes) seems to be the safest wavelength for endodontic treatment compared to the 445 nm diode laser. The study showed that, following the specific protocols, diode laser technology can be used for laser assisted endodontic therapy.