Endodontic Resident Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine Ronkonkoa, New York, United States
Objective: To evaluate temperature changes during laser assisted endodontic therapy using diode laser at a wavelength of 980 nm using continuous and pulse modes in an in vitro study. Abstract: The study was designed to evaluate the temperature changes associated with laser assisted endodontic instrumentation using a diode laser. An in vitro model was developed using four thermocouples placed in the bone of the coronal area (TC1) and apex (TC2) of the adjacent tooth, and at the coronal area (TC3) and apex (TC4) and of the tooth instrumented with a diode laser at 980 nm. LabChart software was used in real time to assess thermal changes at each thermocouple at 30 seconds and 60 seconds during laser instrumentation using both pulse and continuous modes. Statistical analysis (ANOVA comparison) was used to compare the data. The results of this study show that the periapical thermocouple of the treated tooth (TC4) exhibited significant heat transfer over the critical threshold of 10 degrees Celsius in both continuous and pulse modes.