Resident Harvard School of Dental Medicine Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Objective: Dental pulp sensory neuron was found to interplay with Dental Pulp Stem Cells (DPSCs) during inflammation, repair, and regeneration process. This study aimed to determine the role of sensory neuron in modulation of migration and proliferation of Gli1-expressing DPSCs, as well as the formation of tertiary dentin in mouse model of pulp injury.
Methods: Unilateral transection of the left inferior alveolar nerve was performed in seven-weeks-old Gli1-CRE/tdTMT mice. After seven days bilateral pulp exposure with Biodentine capping was performed on mandibular first molars (left: experimental group; right control group). Jaws were collected, reparative dentin formation was measured using Micro-CT and odontoblast, and sensory neurons and Gli1+ cells were immune-labelled.
Results: On the left side of IAN transected group the reparative dentin showed less quantity and both Gli1 cells and DSPP showed less expression around the pulp capping injury site compared to the control group on the right side.
Conclusions: The study showed the significant role of sensory neuron contributing to pulp repair and regeneration process. Understanding the modulatory mechanism between sensory neuron and DPSCs will help to find new therapy for pulp preservation or pulp repair and regeneration.