Phil Kerr
Chief Technology Officer
Prairie AquaTech
As demand for alternative proteins continues to increase, startups across the world have entered the space to meet these needs. Substantial growth in the sector projected over the next decade presents new opportunities as well as considerations for adapting to rapid market expansion.
In this online session, founders and executive leaders from alternative protein startups will share insights into their success, how they have faced challenges, and highlight ways their company’s vision contributes to the future of sustainable proteins – and how you can succeed too.
This session is available as a Zoom webinar (registration is required but complementary) and as an open access live stream on the Sustainable Protein Forum website and AOCS social channels (YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn).
Moderator: Phil Kerr – Prairie AquaTech
Presenter: Mark Luecke – Prairie AquaTech, LLC
Presenter: Tyler Lorenzen – PURIS Proteins
Presenter: Baljit Ghotra – Equii
Moderator: Phil Kerr – Prairie AquaTech
Panelist: Baljit Ghotra – Equii
Panelist: Tyler Lorenzen – PURIS Proteins
Panelist: Mark Luecke – Prairie AquaTech, LLC
Moderator: Phil Kerr – Prairie AquaTech