Executive Vice President & Executive Director, Heritage CARES
We typically spend our time debating the best treatment for substance use disorders (SUD)—for example, Medication Assisted Treatment versus Abstinence Based approaches. In reality, all services are helpful. When individuals seek help, they get better. However, the dilemma is that 90 percent of those who struggle with SUD do not seek treatment. When we examine the primary reason for disengagement, lack of access, financial insecurity, or stigma are not listed. Instead, the primary reason an individual does not seek help is that they do not believe they have a problem. This presentation addresses the application of Assertive Community Engagement (ACE) strategies, motivational interviewing skills, and innovative connection methods (including technology) for peer support to engage those in denial about their substance use behaviors. We will use examples from the Heritage CARES program as illustrations of specialized peer engagement support services.
This Vision Session non-CME presentation is taking place during the Rx Summit. The opinions and recommendations expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of the Rx Summit, Imedex, HMP Global or HMP Education. This program is not intended or eligible for continuing education (CME/CE) credits and does not meet guidelines governing CME/CE. By entering a Vision Session and having your badge scanned, you opt-into share and receive information from industry sponsors. If you wish to opt out, please speak with a conference representative.
This Vision Session is sponsored by Heritage Health Solutions.