Blood Beijing Children's Hospital BeiJing, Beijing, China (People's Republic)
Background: Adapted Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Immune Thrombocytopenia in Children in China (2021 Edition) is the first pediatric primary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) guideline in the framework of GRADE in China. The guideline panels met two recommendation consensus, finalized 24 recommendations.
Aims: The aim of the current study was to assess the property of recommendations and further revise them.
Methods: We commissioned the external review of recommendations by questionnaire onilne. Physicians were investigated for appreciations, clarity and feasibility of 24 recommendations as well as other suggestions about the guideline. The guideline panels discussed the result of external review and revised recommendations based on it.
Results: 57 physicians from 14 hospitals and 3 guardians of patients participated in the external review. The overall appreciation, clarity and feasibility degree of recommendations was 90.42%, 97.29% and 87.36%. Among them, appreciations, clarity and feasibility degree of all recommendations were over than 50%. 99 subjective suggestions were received. After review of the results, the guideline panels completed 25 recommendations and completed the full article.
Conclusion(s): The external review was participated by ITP-related clinical staff and guardians of patients, which improved the clarity and feasibility of the recommendations and provided a reference for the formulation of follow-up guidelines in China.