Objectives: As more and more funders require data sharing, it is important for institutions to learn how their researchers are complying with mandates and make sure data sharing is done at the appropriate level of security. This study will look at data sharing statements found in PubMed Central articles by [institutional] authors.Depending on the results, recommendations can be made to review data management plans for appropriate data sharing statements, add an institutional repository, subscribe to a general repository service such as Figshare, or develop other support services for researchers.
Methods: After downloading the full text articles by SDSU researchers deposited in PubMed Central, this study will review any attached data sharing statements. This method was suggested by John Borghi at csv,conf 2021 (https://csvconf.com/speakers/#john-borghi). After collecting a list of data sharing options, the sites will be reviewed using Trustworthy Repositories Audit & Certification: Criteria and Checklist (TRAC) metrics to ensure the sites are appropriate for the types of data being deposited. The data sharing statements will also be compared to the data sharing requirements of the grants supporting the research. Finally, researchers will be surveyed to learn about their choices, so options for improvement can be considered.