Manager – Clinical Programs
Clearway Health
Amanuel Kehasse, PharmD, PhD, is a clinical programs manager at Clearway Health and an assistant professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Kehasse earned his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in medical biochemistry from Boston University School of Medicine; Division of Graduate Medical Sciences in 2012.He then pursued his post-doctoral research fellowship at The Buck Institute -University of California San Francisco (UCSF). His post-doctoral research focused on post translational modification of proteins and biomarker discovery, and has published his research findings at American Journal
of Pathology, Journal of Experimental Medicine and Oncotarget. He then earned his and Doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) degree from MCPHS in 2017.
Dr. Kehass’s research interest and activities is focused in understanding and addressing the impact of social determinants of health in clinical and health outcomes.
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
2:10 PM – 2:15 PM