Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner, Pain Management
West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System (WPBVAHCS)
Abigail T. Brooks, PharmD, BCPS, is a Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner (CPP) in pain management at the West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System (WPBVAHCS). She graduated from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy (Go Gators!) in 2012. She completed PGY1 Pharmacy Practice and PGY2 Pain Management and Palliative Care pharmacy residencies at the WPBVAHCS. Currently at the WPBVAHCS, she works as a CPP in the Pain Clinic treating chronic non-malignant and malignant pain and co-manages the pharmacy pain eConsult service as well as the Pharmacy Pain Perioperative Clinic. In addition, she helps cover the inpatient pain pharmacy consult service. She serves as the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) clinic coordinator and is an associate director for the PGY2 Pain Management and Palliative Care Pharmacy Residency Program. Dr. Brooks serves as a co-chair of the VA CPPO Pain SME Workgroup. She has published in various peer-reviewed publications. She is also a proud wife and mother of two children.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM