Wildfires in semiarid conifer forests are increasingly burning at high severity across unusually large areas. The resulting large patches of near-complete tree mortality challenge natural regeneration processes, which for most non-serotinous conifer species rely on dispersal of seeds from nearby surviving trees. While existing work shows a clear positive relationship between seed source proximity and seedling density, substantial unexplained variation remains. We built on existing efforts by mapping individual surviving trees using low-cost drone surveys combined with structure-from-motion processing. We performed these surveys across 150- to 300-ha areas that burned at moderate to high severity in five different wildfires in California mixed-conifer forests, and we paired the aerial surveys with ground-based surveys of natural seedling establishment in 851 plots in dense grids (30- to 50-m spacing) across seed source gradients. We predicted seedling density at a given point (plot) as the sum of the dispersal kernel-derived seed density estimates of all mapped trees. We optimized dispersal kernel parameters along with offsets for tree height and relative topographic position to minimize seedling density prediction error.
Across our five focal areas, preliminary drone-based individual-tree mapping detected over 100,000 surviving trees in spatial arrangements ranging from individual trees to clusters of thousands. In comparison against ground-based tree maps, drone-based mapping detected overstory trees > 10 m tall with sensitivity = 0.69 and precision = 0.90. Preliminary dispersal models explained plot-measured regeneration density from seed source data alone with R2 = 0.31, improving on previous models and with opportunity for ongoing refinement. Patterns were much stronger for the larger-seeded, shorter-dispersing pines (Pinus spp.) than for smaller-seeded, longer-dispersing species. In 11% of plots > 200 m from surviving trees (confirmed by manual imagery inspection and plot-based observation) and where the dispersal model predicted near-zero regeneration, pine seedling densities exceeded 100 ha-1 and were positively correlated with downed cone density, suggesting the presence of an ephemeral post-mortality canopy seed bank in these non-serotinuous species given conducive fire seasonality. Our work demonstrates that by mapping individual trees and summing their dispersal kernels, the accuracy of post-fire forest regeneration predictions can be improved. As availability of individual-tree mapping data including lidar expands, individual tree-based dispersal predictions will become practical across large wildfires and may help to guide post-fire reforestation efforts.