Dr. Duk-Woo Park was a Professor in the Cardiovascular Medicine Division at Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, and an Instructor in Medicine at the University of Ulsan College of Medicine. - Dr. Duk-Woo Park has also authored or coauthored over 350 original, peer-reviewed research articles. Especially, Dr. Duk-Woo Park has major contributions as the principal (first or corresponding) authors in top medical journals (2 NEJM, 1 JAMA, 25 JACC, 5 Circulation, 2 EHJ) within last 20 years. - Dr. Duk-Woo Park has now a particular interest in revascularization strategy (PCI vs. CABG for multivessel and left main disease), antiplatelet/antithrombotic strategey, transcatheter valve interventions (TAVR), major clinical trials or registries studies (drugs, stents, revascularization strategy), biomarkers, and medical statistics. - Dr. Duk-Woo Park is now a Deputy Editor in JACC Asia.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
4:47 PM – 4:59 PM EDT
Thursday, October 27, 2022
5:23 PM – 5:30 PM EDT