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Attendees who have favorited this...
Gloria Beckham
Senior Police Dispatcher
Dallas Police Department (DPD)
Tyler Brown
Asst. Supervisor
Hood County Sheriff's Office
Dana Christopher
Communications Supervisor
Riverside County Sheriff
Shelly Clark
Bluegrass 911 Central Comm/Garrard Co EOC
Rebekah Craft
Emergency Communications Manager
Roanoke County ECC
Hugo Gil
Interim Wireless Officer
Long Beach Wireless
John Halaychik
Communications Center Manager
Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response
Katrina Harley
Douglas County E911
John Hinkle
CAD Administrator
Gallatin County 911
John Hubbard
Bentonville Police Department
Kyle James
Deputy Director
Delaware County Emergency Communications Center
Amanda Konstant
Senior Communications Officer
Indialantic Police Dept
Steve Lekkas
DeKalb Police Department
Sylvia Martinez
Public Safety Dispatcher Supervisor
Imperial County Sheriff's Office
Amanda McGoldrick
Assistant Director - Emergency Management
Northeastern University Police Department
Kimberly Moreland
JFRD Communications Manager
Jacksonville Fire/Rescue Dept
Milan Mueller
Chief Marketing Officer
Smart Response Technologies
Teresa Parker
Oregon State University Department of Public Safet
Clay Patterson
Carroll County 911
Clarence Rucker
Telecomm Equipment Operator/ C-UAS
Pentagon Force Protection Agency (Law Enforcement)
Julie Rus
Secretary /Treasurer
Washington-Yuma Combined Communications
Daniea Simpson
Alisha Smith
Central Dispatch Manager
Florence County Central Dispatch
Contessa Stilts
Assistant 911 Director
Jay County Sheriff Dept.
Heather Topliff
Dispatch Supervisor
Palm Springs Police Dept
Mark Wheeler
Senior Sheriff's 911 Communications Officer
Riverside County Sheriff