The Drug Monitoring Initiative (DMI) establishes a multi-sector information-sharing collaboration, through the collection and analysis of drug seizures, overdoses, and public health data. This approach enables gathering and analysis of investigative and administrative data to develop a 360-degree view of the drug environment. This intelligence capability enables drug environment stakeholders to better understand trends, patterns, anomalies, implications, and threats from illicit drug activity that have an impact on jurisdictions statewide. This understanding enables the development of enhanced policies and practices to prevent community drug harm. The DMI is now a nationally recognized and replicated program, with “DMIs” now operating in many other states across the country.
Learning Objectives:
Identify and engage the stakeholders necessary to implement a Drug Monitoring Program.
Understand the minimum data elements necessary to develop intelligence and interventions, including the leveraging and implementation of multiple free and secure government-sponsored software options.
Making data and intelligence actionable to ameliorate community drug harms and specifically reduce overdose deaths.