Conflict, pushback, tension, resistance, difficult conversations – we all get into it, and as leaders, managers and team players, we must develop techniques to effectively deal with it. However, managing conflict can be complicated. When tensions rise and stress behaviors appear in, it is infinitely easier to disengage. On top of that, reading facial expressions is limited when people are masked.
Effective conflict management is an essential skill for every leader. Properly harnessed, conflict can be directed as a force for good. Improperly directed, conflict can become toxic and dangerous.
Managing Conflict & Difficult Conversations is part of the Business Improv Master Class series for professional development. Fun, fast-paced, interactive and incredibly engaging, this program will give you hands-on training for tempering tension and navigating challenging conversations at all levels – down (direct reports), across (peers), (up) supervisors and out (patients) – where temperatures run high and positive outcomes are critical.
Attendees of the Business Improv classes might win a copy of the Stanford University Press book “GETTING TO YES AND” signed by the author, Bob Kulhan.*
Attendees can also enter to win a virtual coaching session with a member of the Business Improv team.
*limited supply.
Learning Objectives:
Bolster the ability to deal with pushback and difficult questions (unexpected (or unwanted) versus expected)
Create an environment that enables others to feel comfortable addressing conflict
Understand how to enter into difficult conversations through respect
Guide others from conflict into joint-problem solving solutions